Fall into Fine Craft Artisan Spotlight – Jean Macaluso

Today’s featured artisan is member Jean Macaluso. Jean, through the viewfinder of her camera, will be bringing her original point of view to Fall into Fine Craft.


What about your medium drew you to it initially and what’s kept you working in it?

I was drawn to photography at the young age of 12 when my father handed me his camera and said you are now the family photographer.  I immediately fell in love with the way you could frame the composition through the viewfinder and could find beauty through the eyepiece.  Working through courses at college as an older student I was again drawn to photography and the darkroom process.  It allowed me to fall in love with the medium again and I have continued that love affair ever since.  Although I now shoot mostly digital I still feel the love every time my composition comes up on the screen.  


If you had to choose a medium, other than your current one, what would you like to try and why?

I had taken courses and been successful in making and selling work in ceramics and oil paintings but I would love to try encaustic work just to see what the process is all about.  I find myself drawn to this work done by fellow artists and I would love to explore its possibilities.

What are you most looking forward to at FIFC?

 I am most looking forward to meeting and connecting with prospective buyers or lovers of my artwork.  I want to hear and experience what they have to say about the subjects and compositions of my art.  Art lovers are very unique and always have wonderful insight into the art in front of them.


If you’d like to further whet your appetite for Jean’s work, while you count the days to Fall into Fine Craft, here are her website and Facebook addresses.



Follow Fall into Fine Craft on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/FallintoFineCraft2015?fref=ts.

One response to “Fall into Fine Craft Artisan Spotlight – Jean Macaluso

  1. Jean is new to the Fall Into Fine Craft Show this year. She is also a new member of the Yellow Breeches Chapter of Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsman. I really like the photo of the Rockville bridge. One more great reason to attend the show this year.

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